A warm welcome!

Welcome to The Human Project Foundation!  We are so excited to have you onboard.  As we journey through life, we try to find meaning and purpose in everything we do, so that we can live a fulfilled life, as God has intended for us.  Our organization shall basically be focusing on two very important projects:  developing Emotional Intelligence (Project 12) and connecting communities of faith (Eastgate).   Understanding and mastering EQ can essentially help all of us humans navigate the complexities of life, and ultimately enjoy our God-given paths.  We also want to help emerging native churches in the Philippines with the tools they would need to carry out the great commission.  We recognize the importance of relationships with others and our personal relationship with HIM. We will be sharing with you weekly write-ups for updates and also help increase your understanding of Project 12 and Eastgate.

So what is this journey we call life?  We begin with an empty canvas, ready to be painted by the experiences of life. We encounter a multitude of moments, encompassing both the positive and negative aspects, as well as everything in between. These diverse experiences shape us and influence our growth. The question arises: Which aspects do we choose to focus on? Which ones do we hold onto? And most importantly, upon which foundation do we build our character?

Within the vast array of life's experiences, it is crucial to consider where our attention and energy are directed. Do we dwell on the hardships, setbacks, and disappointments? Or do we embrace the moments of joy, growth, and success? The choice we make significantly impacts our perspective, attitude, and overall well-being.

To cultivate a fulfilling journey, it is beneficial to focus on the positive aspects without ignoring the challenges. We can acknowledge the hurdles we encounter while maintaining a resilient spirit, learning from adversity, and allowing it to foster personal growth. By consciously nurturing a positive mindset and building upon our strengths, we can shape our character in a way that empowers us to overcome obstacles and persevere.

Ultimately, our ability to finish the race of life in the best possible way lies in embracing the valuable lessons learned from both the highs and lows. By cherishing the moments of triumph, drawing strength from resilience, and applying the wisdom gained from our experiences, we can navigate the journey with greater purpose, fulfillment, and success.



Balancing IQ and EQ: The Crucial Link for a Thriving Society